Volunteering is one of life’s most rewarding activities. And volunteering with seniors is even more special. Not only can you gain a sense of satisfaction from helping enrich the life of a senior, but you’ll also experience a smile, laugh, life lesson, or a friendship that will enrich your life in return.
The many benefits of volunteering include:
- Gaining a new perspective on life!
- Acquiring or adding to job experience!
- Making new friends!
- Improving your overall wellbeing!
- Brightening a resident’s day!
- Providing support to resident families!
Ways to Volunteer
TRANSPORT: For residents in wheelchairs, this role helps residents effortlessly get to programs and services such as special campus events, activities, or even the salon and then back to their room while sharing in some conversation along the way (must be able to walk while pushing residents seated in a wheelchair).
MAIL CARRIER: Who doesn’t love getting mail? This volunteer job delivers mail to residents throughout the Founders Campus main building (must be able to walk behind/push a mail cart).
VISITOR: engage in one-to-one visits with residents in personal care, assisted living and/or nursing who, otherwise, have few visitors. Visit suggestions include having a cup of coffee in the Café or a walk around the grounds, weather permitting.
SUNDAY VESPERS: assist staff in transporting residents to Chapel before services and back to their rooms afterward; assist with song books, singing, etc.
ACTIVITY HELPER: assist activity staff in transporting residents to various activity programs; assist residents while they participate in activity, craft and engage them in the activity; assist in serving refreshments, etc.
ADMINISTRATIVE HELPER: answer phones at Reception desk during lunch breaks; filing; typing; assemble informational packets for Marketing / Admissions Departments.
EVENT HELPER: assist staff with activities during open houses and community events; putting up signage; preparing information packets; typing; hosting; serving refreshments; tour guide; other tasks as requested.
PLANT CARE/GARDENING: Water plants inside the community buildings; clean the area surrounding plants (water overflow, dirt spillage); remove dead leaves, deadhead flowers, etc.; remove dead or dying plants needing more care or replacement.
BASIC SEWING: Mend or repair torn clothing, sew on buttons; sew simple walker bags.
- All new volunteers will be asked to complete a short application.
- A background check is required at Moravian Manor Communities’ expense.
- Founders Campus volunteers must show proof of full vaccination for volunteering in health care, personal care and assisted living areas (our volunteer program requirements are based on CDC & Dept of Health guidelines)
Learn more from our Volunteer Frequently Asked Questions.
If you have a special gift or talent to share and some time to spare, we’d love to hear from you! For more information, Contact Jeanne Griffith at 717-625-6000 or email jeanneg@moravianmanor.org.Or you can pick up a “Volunteer Handbook” at the Founders Campus reception desk.
Join the Lamplighters Association
The Lamplighters Association was created to serve and support the residents and needs of Moravian Manor Communities in a variety of ways. One of our main objectives is to fundraise for the Benevolent Care Fund and Wish List items for the many residents who are in need of this support. The Benevolent Care Fund was established to ensure that we would have assets to care for residents who, through no fault of their own, have run out of resources to personally pay for their care.
Fundraising events also are coordinated to help finance specific projects that will benefit the residents and community.
The Lamplighters Association is built upon a rich tradition of service to the residents of Moravian Manor Communities. Membership in the auxiliary is open to anyone interested in enriching the lives of the community residents.
The Lamplighters Association gives opportunities to:
- Participate in a ministry to the aging, sharing God’s love with the residents of Moravian Manor Communities
- Develop and share talents with others
- Experience the joy of giving to others
- Develop new friendships
- Promote the mission and ministry of Moravian Manor Communities
For more information, contact Jennifer Shutt at 717-625-6106 or jennifers@moravianmanor.org
Help Ensure “No Resident Dies Alone”
Moravian Manor Communities’ No Resident Dies Alone program is offered to families whose loved one is actively dying, to ensure someone is with that resident during the final 24 hours of their life, as closely as that can be determined. Trained volunteers become a compassionate presence with a dying resident. Two-hour training sessions are offered periodically during the year. Contact Chaplain Timothy Naisby at 717-625-6139 or timothyn@moravianmanor.org for details.
Read our No Resident Dies Alone brochure for additional information.