Endowment Funds
Generous friends and benefactors have, over the years, established the following named funds for a number of purposes, which enhance the ministry of Moravian Manor Communities. The minimum gift to establish an endowment fund is $25,000. Additional gifts to any of these funds are greatly welcomed.
Elizabeth A. (Reese) Beecher Memorial Trust Fund
The Elizabeth A. (Reese) Beecher Memorial Trust Fund was established in 1972 by a bequest from the estate of J. Franklin Beecher. Income can be used for the relief, assistance, and support of aged women of the Congregations belonging to the Moravian Church of the Northern Province of the United States.
Mildred L. Bender Memorial Fund
The Mildred L. Bender Memorial Fund is a donor restricted fund established in 1995 by family and friends of Mrs. Bender, a resident of Moravian Manor Communities from 1988 to 1994, as a tribute to this woman whose life and work exemplified a spirit of ministry to others. The memorial has a twofold purpose. First, to recognize each year outstanding service by a staff member, a resident, and a volunteer; and second, to assist health center residents whose funds have been depleted and cannot meet the full cost of care.
John and Edna Bonham Memorial Fund
The John and Edna Bonham Memorial Fund was established in 2011 with a gift from the estate of Mr. and Mrs. Bonham. John and Edna had been residents of Moravian Manor Communities from April of 1986, when they moved into a Manor Greene Apartment, until their respective deaths in 2010 and 2007. Their memorial fund is designated for general endowment purposes.
Portia A. Bowman Memorial Endowment Fund
The Portia A. Bowman Memorial Endowment Fund was established in 2012 with a gift from Miss Bowman’s estate. The proceeds from the Fund are designated for benevolent care. Portia was a life-long Moravian and was active in both the church and in Moravian Manor Communities. She served on the board of trustees from 1994 to 2005 and served as board treasurer during that time. Portia was an active volunteer and a member of the Lamplighters Association, Moravian Manor Communities’ auxiliary. She served on the Archives Committee and was instrumental in the formation of the Lititz Porch Walk held annually in October and sponsored by Moravian Manor Communities. Portia was honored in 2010 as the recipient of the Mildred Bender Volunteer Award.
Bricker Memorial Endowment Fund
The Bricker Memorial Endowment Fund was established in 2006 by Manor resident Victoria H. Badorf and family in memory of her aunts, Sophia Lucinda Bricker (1872-1945), Eve Magdalene Bricker (1880-1961), and Elizabeth Bausman Bricker, M.D. (1877-1979). Proceeds from the Bricker Memorial Endowment Fund are dedicated to the care and maintenance of the Beck Memorial Garden at Moravian Manor Communities.
Richard G. Davis Memorial Fund
The Richard G. Davis Memorial Fund is a donor restricted fund established in 1996 by Manor resident H. Stella Davis in memory of her husband. Income from this fund helps residents whose funds are depleted and cannot cover the cost of services and care they need.
Cynthia Jones Eastman Memorial Fund
The Cynthia Jones Eastman Memorial Fund was created in the year 2000 by her brother Philip Harris Jones in his sister’s memory. The fund was established to restore and maintain the Steinway Grand Piano that was donated to Moravian Manor Communities by Cynthia’s family in her memory. Cynthia Jones Eastman was a resident of Moravian Manor Communities where she resided in cottage 107. The piano was a gift to Cynthia from her parents on her sixteenth birthday.
Doris A. Henly Memorial Fund
The Doris A. Henly Memorial Fund was established in 2005 by her family and friends to honor her loving, altruistic memory. Mrs. Henly was a resident of Moravian Manor Communities from 1995 until her death on November 19, 2004. Mrs. Henly was an active and compassionate member of our community, and she spent most Mondays, beginning in the fall of 1996, serving as a volunteer in The Children’s Corner, a child care center within our community. Mrs. Henly’s passion was children’s literacy and the fund originally was intended to enrich the literacy program of The Children’s Corner. With the closing of The Children’s Corner in 2020, the funds are now used to enhance the resident literacy program at Moravian Manor Communities
“Poss” McCloud Memorial Fund
The “Poss” McCloud Memorial Fund was established in 1984 in memory of Paul “Poss” McCloud, who served on the Board of Trustees from 1970 to 1983 and held the office of Board President from 1978 through 1983. Interest from this fund is used to purchase personal items for residents whose funds have been depleted.
MMC Giving Back Fund initiated by Chaplain Rich and Pam Thierolf
Established in 2021 the MMC Giving Back Fund initiated by Chaplain Rich and Pam Thierolf was crated as part of the Benevolent Care Fund to assist residents whose personal resources have been depleted and cannot meet their cost for serviced need. If all Benevolent Care needs in total for the year at Moravian Manor Communities are met, the income (draw) from this Fund can be used at the discretion of the Board of Trustees to support the mission of Moravian Manors, Inc.
Moravian Home of Lititz for Aged Women Trust Fund
The Moravian Home of Lititz for Aged Women Trust Fund was established by the Association for the relief, assistance, and support of aged women of the Congregations belonging to the Moravian Church of the Northern Province of the United States.
New Horizons Permanent Endowment Fund
The New Horizons Permanent Endowment Fund was established in 1984 with gifts from an Eastern District Campaign. Income is used to provide care for less-than-full-pay residents.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Parsil Memorial Fund
The Mr. and Mrs. William R. Parsil Memorial Fund was established in 1999 by the Parsil Family. The fund’s interest has been designated for Moravian Manor Communities’ Alzheimer’s Program.
Ernest T. Selig, Jr. and Dorothy Ferree Selig Memorial Endowment Fund
The Ernest T. Selig, Jr. and Dorothy Ferree Selig Memorial Endowment Fund was established by their estate in 2011 in memory of Ted and Dorothy’s longstanding relationship with Moravian Manor Communities, beginning as charter residents of Herbst Haus until Ted died in 1998 at age 93. After transferring to assisted living, Dorothy later moved from Lititz to Connecticut in 2005 to be closer to her children. She died in 2011 at age 105. The income from this endowment is to assist residents whose personal resources have been depleted and cannot meet their costs for services needed.
John Traeger Memorial Fund
The John Traeger Memorial Fund was established in 1958 from a bequest established by Mr. Traeger of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Interest from this fund can be used at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.
Dean Worth Dementia Education Fund
The Dean Worth Dementia Education Fund was established in 2017 by Emily Klenin to honor the legacy of learning, compassion and excellence that embodied the life of Professor Worth. It is with this focus on excellence in understanding the neuroscience of the brain with the diagnosis of Dementia, that the fund will provide training experiences for staff in the latest education by nationally recognized experts in the treatment and care of those with this diagnosis. Dean Stoddard Worth was a Distinguished Professor (Emeritus) of Slavic Languages and Literatures at UCLA, longtime chair of the International Committee of Slavists, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and a life member of the Centre d’ Études Slaves of the University of Paris (Sorbonne).
Anna and Eugene Benevolent Care Fund
The Benevolent Care Memorial Endowment Fund is established in the memory of Anna and Eugene Long, the first residents of Moravian Manor Communities in 1974. Their motto was to pass it forward and reflect this in their daily lives. “Freely you have received; freely give.” Matthew 10:8
Christoffel Employee Assisted Housing Fund
The Christoffel Employee Assisted Housing Fund was established in 2019 by Mary Rose and Frank Christoffel, III to assist qualified employees of Moravian Manor Communities with the purchase of a home by providing funds to help with the down payment or closing costs. This fund will work in conjunction with and follow the guidelines of Moravian Manor Communities’ Employer Assisted Housing program. The income from this endowment will aid Moravian Manor Communities or employees with housing needs.
Gail and Paul Metzger Endowment Fund
The Gail and Paul Metzger Endowment Fund was established in 2020. This Endowment Fund was created as part of the Benevolent Care Fund to assist residents whose personal resources have been depleted and cannot meet their costs for services needed. If all Benevolent Care needs in total for the year at Moravian Manor Communities are met, the income (draw) from this Fund can be used at the discretion of the Board of Trustees to support the mission of Moravian Manors, Inc.