Spiritual Life
As a faith-based organization, Moravian Manor Communities is dedicated to supporting residents’ spiritual development and needs, such as providing comfort, meaning, purpose and connection.
Our chaplain provides spiritual care to all residents and families no matter what their faith background. This includes all Christians: Catholics, Protestants, and Evangelicals; other religions: Jewish, Islam, Hindu, etc.; and agnostics, and atheists. It is not his job to evangelize or proselytize, but to offer spiritual care to all. Of course, residents may accept or decline that spiritual care.
Spiritual Life Programs
Tune into Channel 29.2 on our in-house system broadcasts for some of these services as well.
Weekly Vespers
Sundays at 2:30 p.m.in the chapel section of Steinman Hall
These worship services are open to all residents and their families and friends. Vespers are also telecast on channel 29.2, our in-house system.
Weekly Services for Herrnhut Residents
Sundays at 1:30 p.m. in the Herrnhut living room
These services are open to Herrnhut residents and their families and friends.
Holy Communion
The first Sunday of each month as part of Vespers for Herrnhut at 1:30 p.m. and in Steinman Hall at 2:30 p.m.
Weekly Bible Studies
In each neighborhood. Please check the activities schedule for the day and time in your area.
Regular Evening Bible Studies
For the residential living community, check community life notes for details.
Special Services
Throughout the year, including Ash Wednesday, Thanksgiving, Advent lovefeast, and Holy Week.
The chaplain also provides pastoral support for residents and staff, as well as one-on-one visits. Prayer request boxes are located on the Founders Campus main and south entrances.
Our Spiritual Life Committee works with the chaplain to evaluate our ongoing spiritual life programs and plan future activities. Three residents, three Trustees, and three staff comprise this committee, which meets twice each year, once in the spring and again in the fall.
Special Ministries
Services of remembrance
These special services are held quarterly for residents who have recently passed away.
No Resident Dies Alone program
Trained volunteers are available to sit with dying residents when families are unable to be present. See our Volunteer page for more information.
Funerals and Memorial Services
May be arranged with the chaplain to honor and remember those who have passed.
The Beck Memorial Garden and The Hess Memorial Garden
These two gardens offer attractively designed repositories for the interment of cremains of deceased residents (The Beck Memorial Garden is closed to any future interments). For more information, contact the Director of Development at development@moravianmanor.org.