From: David Swartley, President/CEO
Date: October 22, 2020
RE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update #27
As I’ve discussed in my earlier updates, Moravian Manor Communities has been rigorously following all infection control protocols stipulated by the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for dealing with COVID-19. Despite our best efforts, recent testing confirmed on October 21, 2020, that four staff members and as well as a contract health care provider have tested positive for COVID-19.
While this is certainly not the news I desire to share, it is not surprising considering the recent worldwide virus surge. The good news is our four staff, and our external health care provider are all asymptomatic. Again, this means that all five healthcare workers are well at present. They will all need to self-quarantine for fourteen days. All cases were identified by proactive weekly testing that has been ongoing every week at Moravian Manor Communities.
Unfortunately, this also means we are required to halt external visitation in our care areas. Our visits had just restarted earlier in the week. Stopping visitation is tough news for our residents, resident family members, and staff. These positive tests also mean that all staff will need to be tested in the next two weeks (and ongoing until we have no positive test results for two weeks).
Moravian Manor Communities always has had a robust infection control system in place. In recognition of our team’s work under the direction of Dr. Lynn Swisher, our skilled nursing center was one of four facilities (in Pennsylvania) DOH selected to work on the antibody testing program. Ironically, our team was meeting (via telephone) with the Pennsylvania Department of Health regarding the antibody testing program when we received word of our positive test results.
The staff members who have tested positive all work in our care areas, so there is no known exposure to our Residential living areas. As I have stated numerous times over the past number of months, it is your simple actions that will keep both you and your loved ones safe. Wash your hands, wear a mask, and social distance. Social distancing will be increasingly difficult with the arrival of the holidays and cold weather.
Thank you for doing your part to keep Moravian Manor Communities a safe place to live and work.
For those of you seeking additional information, continuous updates are available at the following websites:
Pennsylvania Department of Health:
Center for Disease Control: