From: David Swartley, President/CEO
Date: October 6, 2020
RE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update #26
As I’ve discussed in my earlier updates, Moravian Manor Communities (MMC) has been rigorously following all infection control protocols stipulated by the PA Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for dealing with the new Coronavirus.
As you are aware, two weeks ago, we had two residents, and one staff member test positive for COVID-19. We immediately moved the unit with positive residents to a “Red Zone.” Red Zone precautions provide the highest level of protection for both the residents and the staff serving them.
The good news is that after our fourteen-day wait, none of the infected individuals developed any symptoms, and all are fine. Our team is extremely grateful that our residents and staff remained safe and are well.
The positive tests meant that we needed to test all staff for two consecutive weeks. This fourteen-day period must yield 100% negative results for residents and staff. Both weeks testing came back 100% negative! The two weeks of negative testing means that we return to the weekly twenty-five percent testing of our staff. Per the Pennsylvania Department of Health, we can resume scheduled visitation two weeks after our universal testing comes back negative. We anticipate scheduled visits to resume on October 20; assuming there are not more positive cases. Again, a reason to celebrate!
While we are grateful for our healthy residents and staff, last week was a stark reminder of the danger of the virus. As our nation followed our President’s illness and recovery, it was a poignant reminder that viruses do not discriminate.
Our message has not changed since early in the year. Wash your hands, wear your masks, and social distance. If you can avoid group settings, it is wise to do so. While Pennsylvania and Lancaster County cases seem to be under control, we are entering the time of year to spend more time indoors and less time in the fresh air. Many medical experts are concerned about another outbreak as we move through the fall months and into the winter months. Our simple actions can keep us safe and also keep our businesses open.
Thank you for your continued support of our ministry at Moravian Manor Communities. While we come from all walks of life, it is gratifying to see the residents of MMC truly adopt a community spirit as we move forward!
For those of you seeking additional information, continuous updates are available at the following websites:
Pennsylvania Department of Health:
Center for Disease Control: