From: David Swartley, President/CEO
Date: September 23, 2020
RE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update #25
As I’ve discussed in my earlier updates, Moravian Manor Communities (MMC) has been rigorously following all infection control protocols stipulated by the PA Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for dealing with the new Coronavirus. But despite our best efforts, recent testing confirmed on September 22 that two residents and one staff member have tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by this Coronavirus. The two residents live in our Herrnhut Personal Care neighborhood.
There is no reason for panic – while our staff and fellow residents have worked tirelessly to prevent this highly contagious virus from entering our Community, we have also been preparing for this possibility. Both the residents and staff member participated in our weekly testing as required by the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Both residents are currently asymptomatic (no symptoms) and feel fine. Our employee who tested positive, works in the clinical area and is also asymptomatic. We have been in contact with the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) and are taking every step possible to limit future exposure. We are thoroughly investigating the source of the exposure and have reached out to every known person with whom the affected individuals have had contact within our Community.
Since the first knowledge of COVID-19, MMC has taken proactive measures to protect residents and staff. We have been adhering to the recommended control measures and guidelines of DOH, CDC, and Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services. At this time, we will need to restrict visitation to the Founders Campus (main building) and will continue to screen staff and other essential personnel for any signs of exposure before each shift. We will also continue to limit the contact of necessary care personnel to specialized areas within the facility and continue our heightened hygiene practices.
We are taking this matter seriously, and we understand how difficult this news is for residents and their family members. The safety of our residents, their family members, team members, and our Community remain paramount.
Our Medical Director keeps us apprised of the latest recommendations from the CDC and the PA Department of Health. For those of you seeking additional information, continuous updates are available at the following websites:
- Pennsylvania Department of Health:
- Center for Disease Control: