FROM: David Swartley, President/CEO
DATE: July 21, 2020
RE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Update #22
I am writing to give a brief update on the status of Moravian Manor Communities regarding COVID-19. At the time of this writing, we have had no resident cases and remain at two employee positive tests (the two positives were from over a month ago).
Last week, our facility participated in the mandated testing ordered by the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH). All skilled care, personal care, and assisted living facilities are required to participate in universal screening. Moravian Manor Communities tested three-hundred-seventy-three (373) staff and residents. It was a busy week! We have had no residents or staff members who tested positive (however, there are still six tests that have not yet been resulted). These results mean our team is being incredibly careful and diligent (and fortunate)! We are blessed thus far. We are eagerly awaiting the last six test results.
Following the universal testing exercise, we will continue to test approximately twenty percent of our residents and staff. We feel this is the best way to keep our residents and team members safe.
Today, Moravian Manor Communities participated in a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) audit and logistics survey provided by Lancaster County. Our team met with several individuals to discuss PPE challenges and best practices. While PPE procurement is still vexing with specific items (i.e., gowns), the meeting went well, and the representatives were impressed that we are doing everything we should be doing to acquire adequate PPE. They will issue a written report in two weeks.
We are amid summer vacations and travel, and as such Moravian Manor Communities has implemented a new Travel/Vacation policy for all employees. Our team members are required to fill out a vacation questionnaire. We will test team members upon their return, dependent upon their destination.
Hopefully, as residents, you recognize and appreciate the diligent work of our team. They are awesome. The best way you can show appreciation is to remain compliant in your activities. Wearing masks in public places and handwashing are two actions most beneficial. If all of us are diligent, it results in more businesses able to open, and the economy can recover more quickly.
Our news cycle is covering hot spots in our country. Areas that were non-compliant with the “small stuff” are struggling. Pennsylvania’s cases are also increasing; the metropolitan regions of our Commonwealth are driving most of that increase.
We continue to move toward the time when our residents can have visitors in our care areas. Our “Reopening Team” is working on the logistics of this process. Residents (in our care areas) will be able to have visits from their Power of Attorney and/or spouse. Visitors will need to be compliant with our entry temperature testing, questionnaire, and contact tracing information. Visitors will need to appear in our log for approved visitation and a photo ID will be required to visit. We will begin these visits in a highly controlled environment that will require scheduling and limiting the length of the visit. Our complete guidelines will be posted on our website in the coming weeks.
One factor that everyone needs to understand is that “if” anyone tests positive (any resident or team member), our reopening cannot occur until two weeks after that time. This is mandated by DOH.
I have included a one-page COVID-19 Risk Index below that nicely summarizes the risks of various activities.
With proper planning, mask-wearing, and social distancing, there are many things that you can enjoy in your life. One day at a time!
Thanks for your ongoing support of Moravian Manor Communities. It is appreciated, and it takes each one of us to make the whole community successful! To end on a humorous note, I found the following comment in my file.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has gone on so long that I saw my neighbor outside talking to her cat this morning. It was obvious that she thought her cat understood her. I came into my house and told my dog…we both had a good laugh about it!”