FROM: David Swartley, President/CEO
DATE: June 26, 2020
RE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Update #20
As I have shared in previous updates, we conduct regular employee and resident COVID-19 testing in our care areas. This week, an employee in our Herrnhut area tested positive for COVID-19. The employee is asymptomatic and self-quarantined at home. At the time of this writing, our resident test results are pending.
Current testing is in addition to the mandated universal testing. The Pennsylvania Department of Health mandates universal testing for care facilities; this testing must be completed by July 24.
The topic of the day is that Lancaster County enters the Green Phase as of today. The primary purpose of this email will be to outline how this affects our services.
First and foremost, The Pennsylvania Department of Health mandates an additional 28-day restriction on visitation in skilled nursing. Our COVID-19 Task Force is already working on the procedures for visitation once we are past the 28-day moratorium. Currently, scheduled window visits are occurring in Personal Care, Assisted Living, and Skilled Nursing. These visits take place in a centrally located and controlled areas.
As we go “Green,” I believe we must remain diligent in providing a safe environment for residents and staff. I am not suggesting our county should not go “green.” I am suggesting that as things open up, we adhere to the “best practices” we have continually heard about and promoted over the past four months.
Below is a summary of the changes that will occur in Residential Living:
Garden Court Dining Room: Service for only Garden Court Residents will resume on Monday, June 29. Reservations are required. Two seating’s will occur at 4:30 and 5:30. In two weeks, we will revisit opening the Garden Court Dining Room to the broader campus.
Owls Nest: Inside seating will begin on June 29. Reservations are required. Three seating’s will occur at 4:00, 5:30, and 7:00; there is no bar seating and 50% capacity. The Owls Nest is also open for lunch; no reservations needed.
Café: Will continue to operate as we are currently.
Salon: Services will resume for Assisted Living, Personal Care, and Skilled Nursing residents. No services will be provided to residential living residents as these areas remain restricted.
Pool/Bocce: These areas will open to our residents on Monday, June 29. Social distancing and masks will be required. Please follow disinfecting directions at each of the sites.
Library: Will remain closed. Book carts have been well received and will continue in various areas.
Outside Housekeeping: We will open this with appropriate screening in place. If you are interested in resuming this service, call or email Marcie Berhaupt for further instructions.
Signage: On the Founder’s Campus, we will replace our red “Stay At Home” signs with “Campus Closed” signs. The Pennsylvania Department of Health visitation restriction continues through the Green Phase.
SmartFit Studio: This area will open on June 29. Please make reservations for your time slot through Jennifer Shutt. Strict limitations on the number of residents using the fitness room at the same time will be enforced. Please follow disinfection directions.
Founders Campus: The main lobby at the Founders Campus is not open to residents. Please stay out of this area.
This week I read an article reviewing the pandemic published by the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). After the report, they offer the following simple reminder.
The Five C’s of COVID-19 Prevention:
- Control the spread of disease by wearing masks in indoor locations or when unable to distance 6 feet.
- Clean your hands and environment, early and often.
- Company starts with small groups of friends and family before expanding slowly.
- Consider how you can easily reduce risk by small changes to your plans.
- Contain yourself at home when you or a family member is sick.