FROM: David Swartley, President/CEO
DATE: June 23, 2020
RE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Update #19
I am providing an interim update due to some developments that have occurred this week in our health center. As I have shared in previous updates, we are conducting regular employee and resident testing in our care areas.
This week, an employee in our Herrnhut area tested positive for COVID-19. The employee is asymptomatic and self-quarantined at home. We are testing all residents in Herrnhut South and Herrnhut Personal Care, areas where the employee worked. At this point, no residents are exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19. This testing is in addition to the mandated universal testing that will occur before July 24. The Pennsylvania Department of Health mandates universal testing for care facilities; this testing must be completed by July 24.
I suspect as our testing increases, this will become a more frequent occurrence. Frequent testing is a proactive measure to track the virus in our facility and community.
Wear your masks when out and about. Wash your hands frequently. Please don’t get careless. As Lancaster County enters the “Green Phase,” let’s do our part in making sure that we minimize the chances of a resurgence and continue to keep the residents and staff of Moravian Manor Communities safe.
I will share further verbal updates on our resident ZOOM call on Thursday morning.