FROM: David Swartley, President/CEO
DATE: June 19, 2020
RE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Update #18
Since my last update, there have been no residents or employees who have tested positive for COVID-19. Our weekly testing began on June 8. Last week we tested 43 employees and 27 residents. All test results were negative. This week we tested 38 employees and 27 residents. The test results are pending.
At our Resident Association Meeting on June 18, I shared several data points and graphs. Our COVID-19 Task Force is concerned about increased spread as venues open. Carelessness will not yield good results. Much like being successful in a sport, do not forget the fundamentals that we have stressed since Update Number One.
It seems appropriate to quote Jesse Owens on Juneteenth Day, the oldest known celebration honoring the end of slavery in the United States. He said, “In the end, it is the extra effort that separates a winner from second place. But winning takes a lot more that, too. It starts with complete command of the fundamentals. Then it takes desire, determination, discipline, and self-sacrifice. And finally, it takes a great deal of love, fairness, and respect for your fellow man. Put all these together, and even if you don’t win, how can you lose?” I believe this quote clearly states what our behavior and attitude needs to be to remain successful.
This past week, the residents in our care areas have enjoyed scheduled window visits. Many emotional visits have occurred, and the week went very well. For those of you in residential living, I trust that you have enjoyed reconnecting with family and friends in a less restrictive environment.
Today, Governor Wolf announced that 12 more counties, including Lancaster County, is moving to the “Green Phase” on Friday, June 26. We will offer more guidance…moving into the Green Phase.
The Pennsylvania Department of Health is not reopening visits to skilled nursing areas when a county turns green. There is a required delay that we must follow. In the meantime, our team is preparing for the time when we can once again offer traditional visitation and will implement procedures designed to keep everyone safe.
Concerning fundamentals, I re-share an earlier document I received from Carla Weidman, a resident on the Warwick Woodlands campus.
Thank you for your work in helping keep Moravian Manor Communities a safe place to live and to work.