TO: Residents and Staff
FROM: David Swartley, President/CEO
DATE: May 29, 2020
RE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Update #15
Since my last update, there have been no residents, and no additional employees tested positive for COVID-19.
Yogi Berra, the well-known New York Yankee Catcher, and Manager was known for his “profound” quotes. One quote stated, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Another one of my favorites is, “The future ain’t what it used to be.”
The number of decisions made every day continues to amaze me. The truth of the matter is that our road forward is not clear. Yogi’s quotes, while amusing, are painfully accurate in today’s world.
Discussion this week pertained to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania moving Lancaster County to the “Yellow Phase” on Friday, June 5. The Yellow Phase results in some modest changes for our residential living residents. The following points were reviewed on our resident ZOOM call yesterday.
- Social distancing and mask requirements do not change.
- Use of Woodshop, Train Room, Ceramic Room, and Gardening is permitted. As these areas open, social distancing guidelines remain.
- We are encouraging any groups to have a maximum of ten individuals if possible (Commonwealth Guidance is a maximum of 25).
- Garden Court Apartment visitors are limited to the entrance at 521 W. 2nd Avenue. Visitors may not enter through the stairwell entrance, Lemon Street main lobby or at the Veranda entrance. It is important to limit traffic in and out of the building through this one entrance.
- Visitors to the Woods Apartment are limited to the Main Entrance. Guests may not use any of the stairwell entrances, the entrance at the SmartFit Studio, the entrance at the Hall of Fame, or through the Owl’s Nest. It is important to limit traffic in and out of the building through this one main entrance.
- The library and salons will remain closed.
- Please do not sit outside at the Owl’s Nest to eat your lunch or dinner (this is under further review).
- If any visitor is sick, PLEASE tell them to stay away!
- Housekeeping services and non-essential maintenance orders have resumed service. Housekeeping services are only permitted using Moravian Manor Communities personnel.
- Remember, your most significant risk moving forward is congregating in groups, in an enclosed area without wearing masks.
COVID-19 is deadly for seniors who have comorbidities. The difficulty will be maintaining balance as our world gradually opens up, and as we continue to serve frail seniors in our care areas.
This memo is my 15th update. This morning I reread my first update and the advice from three months ago stated:
- Cover coughs or sneezes with your elbow. Do NOT use your hands!
- Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
- Clean surfaces frequently, including countertops, light switches, cell phones, remotes, and other often touched items.
- If you are sick, stay home until you are feeling better.
The four points that started this conversation remain essential as we move into the next phases. (The CDC has become less concerned about surfaces in recent weeks and is focusing on droplet and airborne transmission and stressing mask usage). These simple, preventive acts do matter. Our COVID-19 Task Force is reminding everyone not to become complacent.
The week of June 8, we will begin testing 20 percent of staff and residents each week in our care areas. Mandatory testing is not a simple endeavor; however, our COVID-19 Task Force believes this is very important as the world around us begins to open.
I have attached a chart that summarizes what we should be doing concisely and transparently. The chart was forwarded to me by a resident earlier this week. Our team greatly appreciates our resident support during these unprecedented times.
I conclude with another “Yogi.” “If the world were perfect, it wouldn’t be.”
Thank you. Have a great and safe week; keep walking!
- S: Stay home if you can, especially when sick
- M: Mask when out
- A: Avoid large groups and gatherings
- R: Refresh indoor air
- T: Ten feet is better than six (to avoid exposure to droplets, we know that we need to stay six feet apart, but the further away you are, the better)