TO: Residents and Staff
FROM: David Swartley, President/CEO
DATE: May 1, 2020
RE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Update #10
Today is May 1, 2020. I hope the new month rings in hope and optimism as we rapidly move into the sunny part of the year. As of this morning, Moravian Manor Communities does not have a case of COVID-19; for which I continue to be grateful.
I have experienced a new sense of restlessness as the weeks turn into months. Yesterday, during our Residential Living ZOOM meeting, I shared some of the following points related to restlessness.
- At this time, we are still officially in a lockdown mode. Even if you do not personally see the need for social distancing, please respect the order for the good of the broader Moravian Manor Community. The most significant issue we see in Residential Living is visitors showing up at resident homes.
- Moravian Manor Communities will not be accepting deliveries for food or flowers in our main building; Founders Campus. However, we have decided to provide all residents in Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living, and Personal Care with individual flower arrangements for Mother’s Day weekend. This way, we can control delivery and let them sit outside for a few days in the sunlight to ensure they are safe to deliver to our care rooms. Our team desires to provide “brightness” for our residents who are constrained to their rooms.
- Effective today, construction is permitted to begin in Pennsylvania. In the coming weeks, you will see additional activity at the intersection of Sixth Street and Woodcrest Avenue as they prepare to construct the roundabout.
- Effective today, golf courses are permitted to open. If you thought the shutdown was frustrating, wait until you experience your first swings of 2020! Good luck!
- Our employee and resident questionnaire has been updated based on new guidance from the CDC (Center for Disease Control).
In the following paragraphs, I share this week’s update to our employees. Thank you for your overwhelming support of our excellent team. They are exceptional.
Greetings. I am writing to check in and see how you and your families are enduring the pandemic?
First, thank you for your dedication and endurance. Living through a pandemic on the front lines is not easy. A board member recently sent me a quote that said, “Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn so that we see ourselves as we really are.” – Arthur Golden
This past weekend I felt like the emotions of the past two months landed upon me in one day. It was Sunday, our family listened to an online sermon and had a ZOOM sharing time with the congregation. Sorry, this past Sunday, it just did not work!
I found myself angry and ready to be “done with it all.” I finally grabbed a David Baldacci novel, and by 11:30 p.m. that night, I had completed the book. I needed a distraction. By Monday morning, I felt pretty good.
I hope that during this time, you find a few minutes, by yourself, to own the feelings you have deep within. Often, they are quite different from what we display publicly. For our team members who are “gowned up” in full PPE all day, I am sure there are times when you are emotionally screaming!!
I Peter 1:5 says, “Be glad about this, even though it may now be necessary for you to be sad for a while because of the many kinds of trials you suffer.” I have found this verse to make about as much sense as a screen door on a submarine. However, a deeper dive may yield a bit more thoughtful perspective. Today, there are experiences we can enjoy. Usually, I would NEVER have enough time to read an entire book in one day; I should rejoice in that opportunity. Also, note the words “for a while.” As endless as this all seems right now, at some point, it will have been temporary.
Thank you again for all your hard work on behalf of our residents. They truly do appreciate your efforts. I am proud of all you are doing.
So, while we endure this “sadness for a while,” try to find aspects of your life that generate gladness.
In addition to the David Baldacci novel I also read, over the weekend, Where the Crawdads Sing, by Delia Owens. Both books were purchased at the resident book sale!
Thank you all for your tremendous support. I find myself very proud to be part of the incredible residents and team members.
Have a wonderful weekend.