TO: Residents and Staff
FROM: David Swartley, President/CEO
DATE: April 17, 2020
RE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Update #8
Greetings! As I write update #8, I find it hard to believe that we have been “at this” for almost two months. In some ways, it feels like a week; in other ways, more like a year.
A special thanks to all of you for complying with all the guidance over the Easter and Passover holidays. I found being physically separated from our family and friends to be very hard. However, the weekend at Moravian Manor Communities was quiet, and there were no issues of significance.
As I shared in our Resident Association meeting (via ZOOM) this week, our dietary staff prepared 230 take-out dinners this past Sunday. Kudos to our team, and also to all of you, for staying home and ordering take-out meals. Also, our shopping duties have increased astronomically. I apologize for anyone who was expecting food over the weekend and had to wait a few days. At this point, we are stating that upon ordering your groceries, please expect delivery within 72 hours. Please do not wait until the last minute to order food; it is a service in high demand. And please, no tipping of our staff is permitted. Our local stores are backed up for about two weeks with their home delivery.
During our Thursday Resident Association meeting, I was asked about maintenance service. They will address the following issues:
• Heating/Cooling issues
• Water temp/pressure issues
• Plumbing issues that hinder use
• Appliance issues hindering use
• Items such as grab bars or non-skid strips if it is needed for the residents’ safety
• Refrigerator filter changes- some models will not dispense water or ice if the filter is due for a change and we want to be sure residents have drinking water
• TV/Phone/Internet issues
If you have specific questions, please email or call Jackie Brendle. Some situations will not fit neatly into a list!
At the time of this writing, we remain a COVID-19 free facility. We are grateful for this; our infection control team led by Donna Gerofsky is doing an incredible job. There are daily risks with residents and staff that need to come and go from our facility. We remain vigilant with our temperature testing of all employees two times/day. Our COVID-19 Task Force is currently meeting three times/week to review any changes from the Center for Disease Control or the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
The question most often asked of me is, “what next?” I fully expect Pennsylvania to follow New York State’s lead in extending the “Stay at Home” order until May 15. At that point, there should be enough “smoothing” in the virus to begin reopening businesses gradually. It is not yet clear what this would mean for our care areas. The Department of Health will guide us through that process.
I offer a weekly word of encouragement to our staff as well. The challenge I laid out to our team members I share below (abbreviated):
Earlier this week, I was meeting with Chaplain Rich. He asked me a thought-provoking question, “What are we learning from all of this?”
The question can be directed at Moravian Manor Communities as a whole, or to each one of us individually. I would ask that we all ask that question of ourselves during this crazy time in history.
I read an interesting article by David Baum this week entitled, “Circles of Care.” In his article, he asked four questions:
a. What can I do to transform myself?
b. What can I do to transform my essential relationships?
c. What can I do to transform my work and a sense of purpose?
d. What can I do to transform the larger world of which I am a part?
I have found myself “dancing in my shoes” with the lack of activity outside of work. After many years of complaining that I never have enough downtime, this discomfort seems ironic.
The French mathematician, Pascal, stated, “All humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” Great food for thought.
With the comments above in mind, I offer a challenge to you (and to myself), “in what area can I grow during this interesting time?”
John Wesley said, “Do all the good you can. For as long as you can. As best as you can. For as many people as you can.”
You are all living that quote. Please keep up the good work; at the same time, take care of yourself and chose one area that you can grow in during this time.
Thank you! You are all special people.
The challenge above is one for each one of us to consider. Thank you for your ongoing support of each other and our staff. It means a lot and is necessary. It is a sign of a very healthy community.
I am very appreciative of the Resident Association initiative to raise money for our front-line staff. Thank you for recognizing their efforts!
Have a great weekend. Stay strong, hang in there, and keep walking!!