Corey Trupe, Maintenance
A couple weeks ago, during a “water emergency” at the Woods apartments, Bill Zimnoch, Director of Dining Services, observed Corey Trupe respond to the incident with calmness and clarity. “He assessed the situation, made all the necessary calls, and directed the fire department to the affected areas. I watched him as he met his supervisor and team members upon their arrival, gave them the status of the situation, and shared other important information.”
Lititz Fire Chief, Mike Smith, stated “the situation would have been far worse had it not been for the quick response of the MMC staff.”
Thank you, Corey, for your professionalism during a very intense moment and your dedication to Excellence in Customer Care! We appreciate you!
About the Excellence in Customer Care Recognition Program:
Moravian Manor Communities takes pride in maintaining a strong set of standards and ethics, delivering superior services that make a difference in the daily lives of residents. Through the Excellence in Customer Care recognition program, MMC’s leadership and management team nominate and acknowledge the contributions made by team members who rise to challenges and go above and beyond the call of duty.